Policy and Objectives for Quality

CERTIS – Controlo e Certificação, Lda. aims to provide a service to operators and transformers in the agricultural sector, producers, forest managers, and organizations in the forestry industry who show interest, with the Quality that everyone is entitled to, committing to ensure the evaluation and respective certification of the product or management system, with the impartiality, effectiveness, fairness, and competence that the process requires and the final consumer deserves. In this sense, CERTIS also does not allow commercial, financial, or other pressures to compromise impartiality.

Top Management, in a meeting with the Certification, Evaluation, and Quality Management Departments, decided on the most effective development strategy and compliance with the applicable legal requirements for the activity, to create an evaluation service for existing units throughout the industry, thus ensuring the safe completion of the process. The company seeks to quantify the goals to be achieved, planning and following the necessary actions for their accomplishment.

The company is fully committed to having its services recognized as an expression of Quality, and in this sense, it has a permanent concern to comply with all the standards related to its evaluation and certification activity, as well as training.

Dr. Ana Sofia Salgado is appointed by Top Management to be in charge of Quality Management, with authority to:
Ensure that a quality system is established, implemented, and maintained in accordance with the above;
Inform Top Management of the performance of the quality system for the purpose of review, carried out in meetings for this purpose and recorded in respective minutes.
We should ALL collaborate in the development, implementation, and continuous improvement of the system.

Évora, July 3, 2020