CERTIS controls and certifies Operators (Producers, Preparers / transformers, Distributors and Importers) in the following means of Production:
Organic Production Method – MPB
What is Organic Farming?
Organic farming is an agricultural production method that deeply respects the environment and biodiversity.
In general, the practice of Organic Farming requires:
- The agricultural holdings where the products were obtained had to go through an average conversion period of 2 years before sowing annual crops or 3 years before harvesting fruits and other perennial crops;
- Soil fertility and organic activity must be maintained or improved through:
- Appropriate crops and suitable rotation systems;
- Incorporation of suitable organic materials into the soil;
- The fight against pests, diseases and weeds must be carried out through natural processes;
- Animals should preferably be chosen from native breeds or breeds particularly well adapted to local conditions and those that were not born in farms that practice the organic production method must undergo specific conversion periods for each breed. All animals in the same production unit must be raised according to this production method. It is forbidden to keep animals tied up;
- This production method is a land-based activity, so animals must have a free movement area, and their number per unit of surface must be limited in a way to ensure an integrated management of animal and plant production in the production unit, thus minimizing all forms of pollution, including soil, surface waters and groundwater. The importance of the workforce must be closely related to the available areas to avoid erosion problems, excessive vegetation wear and to enable the spreading of animal manure, to avoid environmental damage;
- Disease prevention is based on the following principles:
- Selection of appropriate animal breeds or strains;
- Application of appropriate animal production practices to the requirements of each species, promoting high disease resistance and infection prevention;
- Use of good quality food, along with regular exercise and access to pasture, to encourage natural immune defenses in animals;
- Guarantee of appropriate header, thus avoiding overpopulation and the problems that may arise from it for animal health;
- However, sick or injured animals must be properly treated;
- For soil fertilization or correction, the products that can be exceptionally used are clearly referenced in European regulations.
How to join the Organic Production Method? Click here
For more information on the Organic Production Method Click here
List of Operators in MPB Click here
Notification of activity for the Organic Production Method Click here
Organic Seed Database? Click here
Apiculture Field Notebook
Field Notebook PDR2020
Bio Suisse
Bio Suisse owns the “Yema” brand. Its standards are private law standards and exceed the minimum legal requirements (Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 or equivalent) in essential points. Foreign production units that meet the necessary standards and wish to supply their products to Switzerland can obtain Bio Suisse certification.
Bio Suisse certification
The basis for certification in accordance with Bio Suisse Standards abroad is a valid organic certification equivalent to the Swiss Ordinance on Organic Agriculture (e.g. (EC) No. 834/2007 or NOP). In addition, a buyer/importer of the products in Switzerland must be indicated, who will assume the Bio Suisse certification costs necessary to comply with the requirements.
Bio Suisse subsidiary, International Certification Bio Suisse AG (ICB), carries out Bio Suisse certifications.
More detailed information can be found at: www.icbag.ch
Certis Assessment
CERTIS is recognized for conducting Bio Suisse audits, in conjunction with organic inspections by the Commission (834/2007). If, in addition to the organic inspection, the responsible unit wishes for a Bio Suisse inspection, please contact us. We will be pleased to answer your questions and respond to your needs regarding the certification world.
Integrated Production Mode – PRODI
What is Integrated Production?
The definition of integrated production proposed by OILB/SROP (2004) and widely accepted, translates into an agricultural system for producing high-quality food that uses natural resources and natural regulatory mechanisms instead of production factors harmful to the environment and to ensure long-term viable agriculture. In integrated production, the preservation and improvement of soil fertility and biodiversity and the observation of ethical and social criteria are essential.
This concept gives special importance to:
- A holistic approach to the entire farm.
- The central role of the agricultural ecosystem. Agricultural ecosystems are the basis for planning and carrying out activities on the farm. In integrated production, agricultural activities should disturb the stability of ecosystems, in their natural resource components and regulatory mechanisms, as little as possible.
- Biodiversity is the pillar of ecosystem stability, natural regulatory mechanisms, and landscape quality. Maintaining adequate levels of biodiversity is essential to replace pesticides with natural regulatory factors, such as natural limitation. Ecological diversity provides the farmer with an important functional resource – functional biodiversity.
- The balance of nutrient cycles. Adopting strategies such as maintaining nutrient cycle balance, crop rotations, and ecological structures, only have meaning in integrated production if the entire farm is considered a production unit. Nutrient cycles must be balanced, and losses minimized.
- The welfare of all domestic animal species.
How to join the Integrated Production Mode?? Click here
For more information on this production mode: Click here
List of operators in Integrated Production Mode: Click here
DGADR Guidelines: Click here
Efficient Use of Water
The adoption of good agricultural and environmental policies allows for improving the efficiency in the use of water by the agricultural sector.
It is essential to create strategies aimed at optimizing water use, contributing to the sustainability of water resources.
The implementation of new management solutions and practices allows for a lower impact, both environmentally and financially.
CERTIS can help you promote efficiency through the certification of schemes related to sustainable water use. Contact us for more information: Click here
Link of interest: Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DGADR)
PEPAC intervention A.3.4 “Improve animal feed efficiency to reduce GEE emissions”
Specific technical guidance: click here
List of operators: click here
PEPAC intervention C. “Soil conservation-biodiverse pastures”
PEPAC | Technical Guidelines: click here
For more information click here
List of operators: click here